Production Base

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Production Base

Factory Area
As a plastic manufacturer for fiber optic equipments, FCST have more than 43 sets of injection molding machines, 62 sets of aseembly machines, 60 sets of numerical control machines and 20 sets of compression molding machine for microduct connectors, microduct closures, telecom manhole chamber and fiber splice box. The large capacity can meet the needs of our global customers.

To provide the top quality products for our customers, FCST is doing quality control for microduct connectors according to DIN EN 50411-2-8-2009 and for manhole chamber according to EN124:1994 & ANSI SCTE 77-2017.
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 Tel: +86 21 3872 6791    +86 21 3872 6792
  M: +86 187 2062 4696
  Rm402 block A Watts gallop tower No.2816 YiXian Rd, BaoShan District, Shanghai 200441.
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